Heirloom Fordhook Giant Swiss Chard Seeds (2g) by Patriot Seeds
Heirloom Fordhook Giant Swiss Chard Seeds (2g)
Patriot Seeds are friendly to most growing regions.
Open-pollinated Heirloom Fordhook Giant Swiss Chard Seeds from Patriot Seeds produce a crop of thick, dark greens that can be grown, harvested, and replanted as needed.
Packaged and stored in resealable, heavy-duty packages for a shelf life of more than 5 years. These seeds are heirloom and non-GMO.
Heirloom Fordhook Giant Swiss Chard Seeds Planting Instructions
Enjoy fresh, homegrown Fordhook Giant Swiss Chard by following these simple steps:
- Indoor Planting – Start seeds indoors 5 to 6 weeks before the last frost for transplanting.
- Direct Sowing – Sow seeds 1 inch deep and 4 inches apart in rows 18 to 24 inches apart, 2 to 3 weeks before the last expected frost date.
- Hardening Off – Reduce water and fertilizer intake to harden off plants.
- Thinning – Once plants are 3 to 4 inches high, thin seedlings to 6- to 12-inch spacing.
- Mulching – Mulch around plants to retain moisture and suppress weeds.
- Bright Lights – For “bright light” colors, start seeding earlier indoors.
Heirloom Fordhook Giant Swiss Chard Seeds Harvesting Instructions
And when it’s time to enjoy your Fordhook Giant Swiss Chard:
- Harvesting – Begin harvest when plants are 6 to 8 inches tall.
- Cutting – Use a sharp knife to remove outer leaves 1 1/2 inches above the ground.
- Continual Harvest – Keep harvesting outer leaves for continuous production.
- Regrowth – If you harvest the whole plant, cut it back to 3 inches above the soil for regrowth.
- Taste Note – Leaves over 10 inches in length may have a more earthy taste.
Did You Know This About Fordhook Giant Swiss Chard?
Chard got its common name from another Mediterranean vegetable, cardoon: a celery-like plant with thick stalks that resemble those of chard. The French got the two confused and called them both “carde.”